I’m a cellist and a composer, in whose music different worlds combine.
Here you may check out what I’ve been up to!

Elementtejä Forssasta
I wrote a piece for orchestra and choir to honor the Forssa 100 years celebrations. The piece was commissioned by Lounais-Hämeen musiikkiopisto and Terhi Karhumäki.

...siemenestä kasvaa puu...
The work is a sound installation that the installation guest can interact with. One mayrecord a short sound clip, for example a whistle or a handclap and experience how theMax/MSP patch starts to produce music based on only this single sound. The processmirrors the changes a seed goes through as it matures into a tree.

Photography by Pekko Vasantola
"Teemu Mastovaara is an exceptionally diverse and interesting musician: a wonderful cellist and an always surprising composer with a distinct and personal voice."
Mikko Luoma
Classical Accordionist, Senior Lecturer at Turku Arts Academy